health & wellness

When mama’s happy, everybody’s happy

Last week, my family took our very first vacation together. While I was eager to get away from the Midwest and bask in the sunshiny beaches of Clearwater, Fla., I stressed about getting everything done on my to-do list before I left. Work had to be complete for the next week. When you work in… Continue reading When mama’s happy, everybody’s happy


DIYing Yourself to Death

It seems the Modern Domestic Woman has been DIYing herself into an early grave these days. From homemade gluten-free granola bars and knitting intricate scarves to repurposing a vintage armoire found on the side of the road, suggestions for DIY projects are overflowing around the internet and in every women’s magazine on the newsstands. Now,… Continue reading DIYing Yourself to Death

health & wellness

Changing your definition of “self-care” and “working out”

I no longer subscribe to the idea of New Year’s resolutions, as I believe every day is an opportunity to start fresh. The year 2017 is ripe with opportunities for us ladies to care for ourselves. This obsession we’ve adopted of sprinting around our day on empty is no longer doable, in fact, I’m burned… Continue reading Changing your definition of “self-care” and “working out”